I have come into my garden,
my sister, my spouse...
Song of Songs 5:1

My posts are generally of a spiritual nature, but I have decided to share with you a little of what has been going on in my personal life - more specifically, in my garden. In 2013, I got an idea from some frugal website about making your own compost bin out of a garbage bin. So, I went to Menards, (a popular low cost hardware store in the Midwest) and got a good deal on a garbage bin. Then, I preceded to drill holes in the sides and on the bottom. Over the years, I've tried to be diligent to throw in all my fruit/vegetable peelings, ashes from my fire pit, dead leaves, even occasionally shredded papers and dead plants. It has provided me with several years of natural fertilizer and good soil.

Early in this spring, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided I needed to be a bit more diligent and start more container gardens. I was able to repurpose a storage bin and plant radishes and brocolli. I didn't realize how fast radishes grow, but they came out so quickly, I have already harvested the first batch and planted a second one which you can see growing. That is also a tomato plant that I planted at the one end of the second picture.
Then there is my other raised bed. It has been faithful over the years to give me some good vegetables. The parsley you see in the far corner, is from a year or two ago. The spinach is doing so well, and I planted some carrot seeds and I cannot wait to see them come up. There are also onions that are sprouting, another tomato plant and a cucumber plant coming up.
If you are needing something to do this year to get you out of the house, I recommend a garden. Not only is it therapeutic to be working in the soil and outdoors, but it is financially helpful to have your own groceries growing out of your yard. And it gives you such a sense of satisfaction when you are reaping the harvest that you planted.
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