Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Revival follows Obedience

In my most recent post, I mentioned how I have been meeting with a group of believers about one and a half hour's drive from where I live. Their Sunday morning worship service starts at 8:30am and then they have an evening worship and prayer service at 6:30pm. Due to the time, I am not always able to stay for the evening service, but I recently made a comment to one of the brothers: "Well, if I didn't have to work on Mondays I would certainly stay for the evening service." The Lord heard my confession and when I looked at my work schedule, I had been given Mondays off for several weeks in advance. 

This past Sunday, I woke up at 5am with only about 4-5 hours of sleep. I was quite tired and sleepy as I was getting ready for church. I contemplated that it might be best not to stay for the evening service, so I could get some rest. After getting dressed, I sat down in my prayer closet and began to sing Psalms. I started reading from Psalm 66. Suddenly, the Holy Spirit highlighted some verses to me: I will go into Thy house with burnt offerings: I will pay to Thee my vows. Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble. Although, I felt rebuked by the Lord, I couldn't help, but to laugh thinking that the Lord spoke so directly to me.

While the Lord was present in our Sunday morning service, the Sunday evening service seemed a bit hindered. Finally, one of the elders spoke up and said that he felt the Lord wanted to minister to those who were "weary from the battle". We gathered round and begin to pray one for another for about 2-3 hours. After the last person had received personal ministry, I begin to lead the song, "Victory is mine. Victory is mine. Victory today is mine. I told satan to get thee behind. For the victory today is mine." Suddenly, the place came alive and we began to dance. This started around 11pm and we danced before the Lord for some time. Finally, someone began to lead a song of worship, "We exalt Thee." The Presence of the Lord came in such a way that people begin to fall on their faces. It was such a tangible Glory that you could hardly stand (most didn't). This continued until after midnight. Young and old alike were weeping in the Presence of God. The roar of worship was so loud, my ears were ringing. Their was a stringed instrument laying beside me on the bench and the strings were vibrating with the sound.

 One young lady fell on her face in the middle of the room. Just as she did, I saw it as Mary who anointed the feet of our Lord Jesus with her tears and the spikenard from the alabaster container.  Suddenly, a young man begin to lead the worship chorus, "Like oil upon Your feet, like wine for You to drink, like water from my heart, I pour my love on You. If praise is like perfume, I lavish mine on You, till every drop is gone, I pour my love on You."

I realized just how much I could have missed if I had not stayed for the evening service. While some are driving distances to be in a revival, the Lord Jesus wants us to meet with Him right where we're at. He can and will breakout among those Who seek Him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Lost in the Presence

 This past Sunday evening (2/12/22), I gathered with some believers at their house church about an hour and half from where I live. I only met them about 4 months ago, but it is as if I have known them my whole life. They are a group of believers who formerly were of the Amish faith, but accepted the full revelation of Jesus Christ and believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I normally only am able to meet with them on Sunday mornings for their service, but the Lord made it possible for me to join them this past Sunday for their worship and prayer service. 

Immediately, as we began to sing worship songs, the Presence of the the Lord filled the room. As I was sitting there, I led out the chorus, "I Exalt Thee". I felt like I was carried away into the Spirit, but I was still conscience of those around me. Suddenly, I felt the Glory of the Lord fill the room like a great big tire or wheel spinning in front of me. I didn't see it with my natural eyes, but I could see it in my spirit like a Fire. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the Scripture from Ezekiel 1:4 - "a whirlwind came...a fire infolding itself". Then I realized that the very Throne of God was in our midst - the four living creatures, the elders about the Throne. Suddenly, the people in the room begin to sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy". A young sister led us in The Revelation Song, "Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain, Holy, Holy is He. Sing a new song, to Him Who sits on Heaven's mercy seat. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come. With all creation I sing, Praise to the King of Kings, You are my everything, and I will adore You. Clothed in rainbows of Living color; flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder. Blessing and honor strength and glory and  power be to You the only wise King. Filled with wonder awestruck wonder; at the mention of Your Name. Jesus Your Name is power, breath and living water - such a marvelous mystery."  I was so drunk in the Spirit, I couldn't move for sometime. 

Then, on Monday and Tuesday, that same Glory filled the atmosphere around me every time I began to worship. On Tuesday, I could hardly get dressed for work. I was listening to Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Messiah and I thought I would be raptured. Someone called my phone, while I was worshiping, and as God is my witness, the vibration of the ring was in time with Hallelujah Chorus. I got so lost in the Spirit, that I my movements were slow and retarded. My tongue felt thick, my words were scrambled, and I just kept laughing.

The world has their own version of being drunk, i.e. liquor, wine, beer, etc, but all these leave one feeling worse the next day. When one gets drunk in the Holy Spirit, it only leaves him feeling better and greater the next day. And while all these emotions feel good, there is something happening way beyond the realm of feeling and emotion. God is changing by His Spirit into the Image of His Son, from glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). 

I had several things during the day, yesterday, that were so strange. Visions and memories that came that were so random and out of the blue. They didn't bring sorrow, but they didn't bring happiness. But it was as if I was just floating from one thought to another. All I could say about it was I was lost in the Presence of the Holy Ghost.