Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Guardian of Wisdom

On the lips of the intelligent
Wisdom is found
And in keeping of silence
The mind is sound
A treasure jewel
Is a word to the wise
As an adorning jewel
Between the eyes
Written as a reminder
On tables of the heart
Is the words of Torah
In the hidden parts
Bound as a sign upon the hands
A covenant to keep is His commands
Protect the commandments
With all your strength
And they shall guard
Your steps at length
For the law is a lamp
The commandments a light
And those who watch over them
Shall be called the Upright.
By: Jonathan Hollis

The Discipline of Wisdom

Wisdom was created before all the works of old
She is more valuable than rubies
Her wealth is more than fine gold
She gives knowledge to the young
Understanding to the wise
Subtility to the simpl
Simplicity is her guise
The first man knew her not perfectly
No more shall the last find her out
The fear of the Almighty is the beginning of wisdom
The Angel of the Lord camps round about
He who studies early finds wisdom
Understanding guides his steps
Justice guards his decisions
Judgment teaches him precepts
A wise man keepeth silence when he knows not what to say
He guides his affairs with discretion
He watches over his way
The instruction of wisdom shall teach thee
The knowledge of understanding shall be thy guide
The discipline of wisdom shall keep thee
In parables of knowledge shalt thou hide.
Walk not in the way of the sinner.
Give not counsel to a foolish man.
Guard the Order with all thy heart.
Transgress not the Chief Command:
Love the Almighty with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul,
and with all thy labor
The second commandment is namely this:
"As thyself, thou shalt love thy neighbor."
Trust in the Almighty with all thy heart
and lean not to thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him;
and He shall guide thee with His commanding.
By: Jonathan Hollis

The Treasure of Wisdom

Where is the source of understanding?
And where shall wisdom be found?
By His wisdom He founded the Earth.

By His understanding the Heavens abound.
From whence then cometh wisdom?
As for understanding, where is her place?
From His mouth proceeds knowledge and understanding.
From He alone comes wisdom and grace.
To whom hath the root of wisdom been revealed?
To whom hath the knowledge of wisdom been manifest?
The root of wisdom is to fear the Almighty
In the heart of him that has understanding does wisdom rest.
That which hath been is now,
and that which shall be is already come.
Declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient time the things not yet done.
For every purpose there is a time
To everything there is a season
The Almighty created the heavens and the earth
and worketh all things after His reason. 
By: Jonathan Hollis

Friday, May 22, 2015

A Wise Man

Integrity is the testimony of the righteous
An honest heart is his delight
For whatsoever he doeth,
He doeth with all his might.
He studies the Torah with diligence
When he arises the morning prayers are said.
When he eats he blesses the Almighty
He prayeth the psalms before going to bed.
A wise man prays in season.
He delays not to pay his vow.
He neglects not to help the needy.
Before an image he doth not bow.
He blesseth the poor in the poverty.
He visits the sick in their bed.
He helps the widows and orphans.
With his neighbor he mourns their dead.
He teacheth the simple his wisdom.
He strives not with a foolish mind.
He keeps his hand from evil.
To his neighbor his words are kind.
 By: Jonathan Hollis
Blessed is he that considereth the poor:
The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.
Psalm 41:1

The Torah

Like a tree so is the Torah
With roots buried deep in the ground
The storms of doubt strengthen tradition
Where wisdom and knowledge abound
The seed of the Torah is the hope of wisdom
Sprouts of knowledge and truth
Watered by tears, warmed by the Light
of Traditions learned from youth
The trunk is prophets and sages
Bringing wisdom from heaven to earth
Transporting the Light from the heavenlies
Through traditions we've learned from birth
The leaves of the tree tell of other worlds
And knowledge of the Torah above
Nestled in the branches are beautiful fruits:
Gentleness, peace, joy and love.
 By: Jonathan Hollis
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,
that brings forth his fruit in his season;
his leaf also shall not wither;
 and whatsoever he does shall prosper.
Psalm 1:3